Exif (pronounced “ex-eye”) is the standard file format used by digital cameras and other devices to store data about the camera’s settings, exposure settings, and more. At least it’s the standard used by most of those devices.
But not all. In fact, while Exif is a universal standard supported by many popular cameras like Nikon, Canon, and Sony, it isn’t supported by some at all. In this article, we’ll explore how to edit EXIF data of a photo using some professional exif editors. These tools can make your photos look as good as they’re meant to look.

AnyExif is a powerful application that enables you to manage and edit exif data on your Mac computer. It is an all-in-one tool if you need to add, edit, modify, clear sensitive EXIF information stored in your photos. More importantly, it supports the batch process. Fast, reliable, and 100% offline.
How to Edit Exif Data with AnyExif
Edit Photo General Information
The Photo General Information includes the tags describing the photos and their creating timestamp. It includes the Artist, Image Description, Copyright, Software, Create Date Time, Camera or Input Devices, Camera or Input Device Model, and Computer or operating system.
Edit Photo Camera Information
The Photo Camera Information is comprised of a range of settings related to the Camera, Lens, and even flash. You can perform searches or learn more about the way the photos were captured, based on this information. While if you want to strip or modify these data to protect your work, AnyEXIF will help you do that.
Edit Photo EXIF Information
AnyEXIF read and extract every EXIF data within the image. You can modify each of them by entering the string in the textbox.
Edit Photo TIFF Information
The TIFF stores raster graphics and image information. In this section, you can modify the TIFF information the Image Quality and Canvas Details.
Click TIFF tag and go to open a new menu where you can see the photo’s TIFF information, modify the details that you want to edit. Once done, click “Start Process” to finish the changes.
Edit Photo GPS Location
- Jump to the GPS section
- Click on the GPS button
- Select a new place and click on “OK”
What Metadata You Can Edit with AnyExif
- TIFF Compression
- Photometric Interpretation
- Transfer Function
- Photo Orientation
- X Resolution
- Y Resolution
- Resolution Unit
- White Point
- Primary Chromaticities
- EXIF Version
- Original Date and Time
- Digitized Date and Time
- Exposure Time
- Exposure Program
- Exposure Index
- …
Why Exif Data is Important?
Exif data is important because it contains information about the photo, including:
- The camera and lens used to take the shot
- The location where it was taken
- The date and time when it was taken
Best AnyExif Alternatives to Edit Exif Data
Edit Exif Data of a Photo Using Preview
- To change the Exif data of a photo, first open the image in Preview.
- Then open the Info panel by selecting File > Show Inspector from the menu bar.
- Click on the Exif tab at the top of this window and edit any of your desired settings — like date taken or camera make/model — from there.
- Save your changes by clicking either “Save All” or “Save” in order to apply them permanently to that particular file.
Edit EXIF Data of a Photo Using Exif Pilot
- Download and install Exif Pilot.
- Open the photo you want to edit the EXIF data for.
- Double-click on the photo to open it in full size, then close it by clicking “File” at the top of your screen and selecting “Close.” This closes all tabs, including that of Exif Pilot, but don’t worry! You can go back later if necessary!
So, just how does EXIF data work? And how can you use it to your advantage in your photography practice? It’s actually pretty simple once you understand the basics of what EXIF data is and how it’s stored.
The key thing to keep in mind is that every digital camera has its own unique identifier—a set of numbers and letters that identifies which kind of camera was used to take each photo. When coupled with other information like time stamps, this identifier allows photographers (and anyone else who accesses the EXIF data) to know exactly when and where a photo was taken.
This isn’t just helpful for sorting through photos later on; some photographers have even used EXIF data as evidence in court!
Want to see what metadata information is included in your photos? Need a easy tool to edit your exif data on Mac computer? Why don’t try AnyExif? Powered by AI, it make it easier to manage and edit exif info of photographs. Feel free to make changes of your photo’s exif offline securely!